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Version: v0.33.0

REPL Debugger

Running the REPL debugger

nargo debug [OPTIONS] [WITNESS_NAME]

Runs the Noir REPL debugger. If a WITNESS_NAME is provided the debugger writes the resulting execution witness to a WITNESS_NAME file.


-p, --prover-name <PROVER_NAME>The name of the toml file which contains the inputs for the prover [default: Prover]
--package <PACKAGE>The name of the package to debug
--print-acirDisplay the ACIR for compiled circuit
--deny-warningsTreat all warnings as errors
--silence-warningsSuppress warnings
-h, --helpPrint help

None of these options are required.


Since the debugger starts by compiling the target package, all Noir compiler options are also available. Check out the compiler reference to learn more about the compiler options.

REPL commands

Once the debugger is running, it accepts the following commands.

help (h)

Displays the menu of available commands.

> help
Available commands:

opcodes display ACIR opcodes
into step into to the next opcode
next step until a new source location is reached
out step until a new source location is reached
and the current stack frame is finished
break LOCATION:OpcodeLocation add a breakpoint at an opcode location
over step until a new source location is reached
without diving into function calls
restart restart the debugging session
delete LOCATION:OpcodeLocation delete breakpoint at an opcode location
witness show witness map
witness index:u32 display a single witness from the witness map
witness index:u32 value:String update a witness with the given value
memset index:usize value:String update a memory cell with the given
continue continue execution until the end of the
vars show variable values available at this point
in execution
stacktrace display the current stack trace
memory show memory (valid when executing unconstrained code) value
step step to the next ACIR opcode

Other commands:

help Show this help message
quit Quit repl

Stepping through programs

next (n)

Step until the next Noir source code location. While other commands, such as into and step, allow for finer grained control of the program's execution at the opcode level, next is source code centric. For example:

3    ...
4 fn main(x: u32) {
5 assert(entry_point(x) == 2);
6 swap_entry_point(x, x + 1);
7 -> assert(deep_entry_point(x) == 4);
8 multiple_values_entry_point(x);
9 }

Using next here would cause the debugger to jump to the definition of deep_entry_point (if available).

If you want to step over deep_entry_point and go straight to line 8, use the over command instead.


Step until the next source code location, without diving into function calls. For example:

3    ...
4 fn main(x: u32) {
5 assert(entry_point(x) == 2);
6 swap_entry_point(x, x + 1);
7 -> assert(deep_entry_point(x) == 4);
8 multiple_values_entry_point(x);
9 }

Using over here would cause the debugger to execute until line 8 (multiple_values_entry_point(x);).

If you want to step into deep_entry_point instead, use the next command.


Step until the end of the current function call. For example:

  3    ...
4 fn main(x: u32) {
5 assert(entry_point(x) == 2);
6 swap_entry_point(x, x + 1);
7 -> assert(deep_entry_point(x) == 4);
8 multiple_values_entry_point(x);
9 }
11 unconstrained fn returns_multiple_values(x: u32) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
12 ...
56 unconstrained fn deep_entry_point(x: u32) -> u32 {
57 -> level_1(x + 1)
58 }

Running out here will resume execution until line 8.

step (s)

Skips to the next ACIR code. A compiled Noir program is a sequence of ACIR opcodes. However, an unconstrained VM opcode denotes the start of an unconstrained code block, to be executed by the unconstrained VM. For example (redacted for brevity):

0  BLACKBOX::RANGE [(_0, num_bits: 32)] [ ]
1 -> BRILLIG inputs=[Single(Expression { mul_terms: [], linear_combinations: [(1, Witness(0))], q_c: 0 })] outputs=[Simple(Witness(1))]
1.0 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(0) }
1.1 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(0), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.2 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(1), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.3 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(2) }
1.4 | Call { location: 7 }
1.43 | Return
2 EXPR [ (1, _1) -2 ]

The -> here shows the debugger paused at an ACIR opcode: BRILLIG, at index 1, which denotes an unconstrained code block is about to start.

Using the step command at this point would result in the debugger stopping at ACIR opcode 2, EXPR, skipping unconstrained computation steps.

Use the into command instead if you want to follow unconstrained computation step by step.

into (i)

Steps into the next opcode. A compiled Noir program is a sequence of ACIR opcodes. However, a BRILLIG opcode denotes the start of an unconstrained code block, to be executed by the unconstrained VM. For example (redacted for brevity):

0  BLACKBOX::RANGE [(_0, num_bits: 32)] [ ]
1 -> BRILLIG inputs=[Single(Expression { mul_terms: [], linear_combinations: [(1, Witness(0))], q_c: 0 })] outputs=[Simple(Witness(1))]
1.0 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(0) }
1.1 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(0), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.2 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(1), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.3 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(2) }
1.4 | Call { location: 7 }
1.43 | Return
2 EXPR [ (1, _1) -2 ]

The -> here shows the debugger paused at an ACIR opcode: BRILLIG, at index 1, which denotes an unconstrained code block is about to start.

Using the into command at this point would result in the debugger stopping at opcode 1.0, Mov ..., allowing the debugger user to follow unconstrained computation step by step.

Use the step command instead if you want to skip to the next ACIR code directly.

continue (c)

Continues execution until the next breakpoint, or the end of the program.

restart (res)

Interrupts execution, and restarts a new debugging session from scratch.

opcodes (o)

Display the program's ACIR opcode sequence. For example:

0  BLACKBOX::RANGE [(_0, num_bits: 32)] [ ]
1 -> BRILLIG inputs=[Single(Expression { mul_terms: [], linear_combinations: [(1, Witness(0))], q_c: 0 })] outputs=[Simple(Witness(1))]
1.0 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(0) }
1.1 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(0), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.2 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(1), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.3 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(2) }
1.4 | Call { location: 7 }
1.43 | Return
2 EXPR [ (1, _1) -2 ]


break [Opcode] (or shorthand b [Opcode])

Sets a breakpoint on the specified opcode index. To get a list of the program opcode numbers, see the opcode command. For example:

0  BLACKBOX::RANGE [(_0, num_bits: 32)] [ ]
1 -> BRILLIG inputs=[Single(Expression { mul_terms: [], linear_combinations: [(1, Witness(0))], q_c: 0 })] outputs=[Simple(Witness(1))]
1.0 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(0) }
1.1 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(0), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.2 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(1), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.3 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(2) }
1.4 | Call { location: 7 }
1.43 | Return
2 EXPR [ (1, _1) -2 ]

In this example, issuing a break 1.2 command adds break on opcode 1.2, as denoted by the * character:

0  BLACKBOX::RANGE [(_0, num_bits: 32)] [ ]
1 -> BRILLIG inputs=[Single(Expression { mul_terms: [], linear_combinations: [(1, Witness(0))], q_c: 0 })] outputs=[Simple(Witness(1))]
1.0 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(0) }
1.1 | Const { destination: RegisterIndex(0), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.2 | * Const { destination: RegisterIndex(1), value: Value { inner: 0 } }
1.3 | Mov { destination: RegisterIndex(2), source: RegisterIndex(2) }
1.4 | Call { location: 7 }
1.43 | Return
2 EXPR [ (1, _1) -2 ]

Running the continue command at this point would cause the debugger to execute the program until opcode 1.2.

delete [Opcode] (or shorthand d [Opcode])

Deletes a breakpoint at an opcode location. Usage is analogous to the break command.

Variable inspection


Show variable values available at this point in execution.


The ability to inspect variable values from the debugger depends on compilation to be run in a special debug instrumentation mode. This instrumentation weaves variable tracing code with the original source code.

So variable value inspection comes at the expense of making the resulting ACIR bytecode bigger and harder to understand and optimize.

If you find this compromise unacceptable, you can run the debugger with the flag --skip-debug-instrumentation. This will compile your circuit without any additional debug information, so the resulting ACIR bytecode will be identical to the one produced by standard Noir compilation. However, if you opt for this, the vars command will not be available while debugging.



Displays the current stack trace.

Witness map

witness (w)

Show witness map. For example:

_0 = 0
_1 = 2
_2 = 1

witness [Witness Index]

Display a single witness from the witness map. For example:

> witness 1
_1 = 2

witness [Witness Index] [New value]

Overwrite the given index with a new value. For example:

> witness 1 3
_1 = 3

Unconstrained VM memory


Show unconstrained VM memory state. For example:

> memory
At opcode 1.13: Store { destination_pointer: RegisterIndex(0), source: RegisterIndex(3) }
> registers
0 = 0
1 = 10
2 = 0
3 = 1
4 = 1
5 = 2³²
6 = 1
> into
At opcode 1.14: Const { destination: RegisterIndex(5), value: Value { inner: 1 } }
> memory
0 = 1

In the example above: we start with clean memory, then step through a Store opcode which stores the value of register 3 (1) into the memory address stored in register 0 (0). Thus now memory shows memory address 0 contains value 1.


This command is only functional while the debugger is executing unconstrained code.

memset [Memory address] [New value]

Update a memory cell with the given value. For example:

> memory
0 = 1
> memset 0 2
> memory
0 = 2
> memset 1 4
> memory
0 = 2
1 = 4

This command is only functional while the debugger is executing unconstrained code.