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std::meta is the entry point for Noir's metaprogramming API. This consists of comptime functions and types used for inspecting and modifying Noir programs.



pub comptime fn type_of<T>(x: T) -> Type {}

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/

Returns the type of a variable at compile-time.


comptime {
let x: i32 = 1;
let x_type: Type = std::meta::type_of(x);

assert_eq(x_type, quote { i32 }.as_type());


pub comptime fn unquote(code: Quoted) -> Quoted {

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/

Unquotes the passed-in token stream where this function was called.


comptime {
let code = quote { 1 + 2 };

// let x = 1 + 2;
let x = unquote!(code);


pub comptime fn derive(s: StructDefinition, traits: [TraitDefinition]) -> Quoted {

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/

Attribute placed on struct definitions.

Creates a trait impl for each trait passed in as an argument. To do this, the trait must have a derive handler registered with derive_via beforehand. The traits in the stdlib that can be derived this way are Eq, Ord, Default, and Hash.


#[derive(Eq, Default)]
struct Foo<T> {
x: i32,
y: T,

fn main() {
let foo1 = Foo::default();
let foo2 = Foo { x: 0, y: &[0] };
assert_eq(foo1, foo2);


pub comptime fn derive_via(t: TraitDefinition, f: DeriveFunction) {

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/

Attribute placed on trait definitions.

Registers a function to create impls for the given trait when the trait is used in a derive call. Users may use this to register their own functions to enable their traits to be derived by derive.

Because this function requires a function as an argument which should produce a trait impl for any given struct, users may find it helpful to use a function like std::meta::make_trait_impl to help creating these impls.


trait DoNothing {
fn do_nothing(self);

comptime fn derive_do_nothing(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
let typ = s.as_type();
quote {
impl DoNothing for $typ {
fn do_nothing(self) {

As another example, derive_eq in the stdlib is used to derive the Eq trait for any struct. It makes use of make_trait_impl to do this:

comptime fn derive_eq(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
let signature = quote { fn eq(_self: Self, _other: Self) -> bool };
let for_each_field = |name| quote { (_self.$name == _other.$name) };
let body = |fields| {
if s.fields().len() == 0 {
quote { true }
} else {
crate::meta::make_trait_impl(s, quote { Eq }, signature, for_each_field, quote { & }, body)

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/


pub comptime fn make_trait_impl<Env1, Env2>(
s: StructDefinition,
trait_name: Quoted,
function_signature: Quoted,
for_each_field: fn[Env1](Quoted) -> Quoted,
join_fields_with: Quoted,
body: fn[Env2](Quoted) -> Quoted
) -> Quoted {

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/meta/

A helper function to more easily create trait impls while deriving traits.

Note that this function only works for traits which:

  1. Have only one method
  2. Have no generics on the trait itself.
  • E.g. Using this on a trait such as trait Foo<T> { ... } will result in the generated impl incorrectly missing the T generic.

If your trait fits these criteria then make_trait_impl is likely the easiest way to write your derive handler. The arguments are as follows:

  • s: The struct to make the impl for
  • trait_name: The name of the trait to derive. E.g. quote { Eq }.
  • function_signature: The signature of the trait method to derive. E.g. fn eq(self, other: Self) -> bool.
  • for_each_field: An operation to be performed on each field. E.g. |name| quote { (self.$name == other.$name) }.
  • join_fields_with: A separator to join each result of for_each_field with. E.g. quote { & }. You can also use an empty quote {} for no separator.
  • body: The result of the field operations are passed into this function for any final processing. This is the place to insert any setup/teardown code the trait requires. If the trait doesn't require any such code, you can return the body as-is: |body| body.

Example deriving Hash:

comptime fn derive_hash(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
let name = quote { Hash };
let signature = quote { fn hash<H>(_self: Self, _state: &mut H) where H: std::hash::Hasher };
let for_each_field = |name| quote { _self.$name.hash(_state); };
crate::meta::make_trait_impl(s, name, signature, for_each_field, quote {}, |fields| fields)

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/hash/

Example deriving Ord:

comptime fn derive_ord(s: StructDefinition) -> Quoted {
let signature = quote { fn cmp(_self: Self, _other: Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering };
let for_each_field = |name| quote {
if result == std::cmp::Ordering::equal() {
result = _self.$name.cmp(_other.$name);
let body = |fields| quote {
let mut result = std::cmp::Ordering::equal();
crate::meta::make_trait_impl(s, quote { Ord }, signature, for_each_field, quote {}, body)

Source code: noir_stdlib/src/